Sunday, September 8th 2024

Conflict erupts in Chinese projects’ hub Ramree island

  • By: Web Master
  • | Date: 21 December 2023
  • | Viewer: 4.9k

The gun fighting has erupted between the junta forces and Arakan Army (AA) members in Ramree island, where China's Shwe natural gas project and crude oil unloading port are located. The military council has deployed the army, navy and air force to counter the AA members.

The conflict began in the  morning of  18 December in Ramree (Yanbye) township near Maday island, which is a hub of  Chinese projects. The residents revealed that the military council launched an attack with the navy & air force personnel to prevent a military base from falling into the hands of AA members.

Reports suggest that the Myanmar military personnel have been indiscriminately firing artillery shells at the battle field. It increases concern for the China's large-scale projects in Maday island.

Since onset of the conflict, the military council  attacked the town using the army, navy, and air force personnel. As a result, the Ramree residents  (about 8,000 in total number) were forced to leave the town.

The artillery shells continued to be fired until the morning of  20 December. Around 4  am on that day, a young woman from Ramree stated that the military  council’s navy personnel launched seven  artillery shells in  Ramree township from Ka Lain Taung river.

"In the early morning, the navy personnel fired once more, releasing approximately 6 to  7 shells. They were  navigating on the river following the tide. The entire community is facing troubles,” she added

On the morning of 20 December, the locals informed that one of the artillery shells, fired by the navy personnel, exploded in Inn Taung ward.

The residents of  Ramree’s urban wards have shifted to rural areas as the military council initiated firing from the jet fighters, helicopters, navy, and hill-based battalions in the afternoon of 18 December.

The clashes erupted between the junta forces and AA members on the hill areas near Aung Chan Thar pagoda, situated over 200 meters south of Ramree township, in the morning hours. The military council troops launched the attacks using warships, jet fighters, helicopters, and drones.

According to a statement issued by Three Brotherhood Alliance, at least four soldiers were killed. Some of the enemy's weapons, ammunition, and military equipment were also seized

In the afternoon, the junta forces initiated an attack on Ramree township, utilizing the army, navy, and air forces, which compelled nearly 8,000 residents to leave their places.

Due to the junta soldiers’ assault, one elderly man from Laung Chaung ward was killed. Moreover, two young girls from the same ward and one man from Nyaung Pin Hla village were seriously injured.

The conflict is anticipated to persist and the military situation to remain tense for some days.

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