Kant Kaw Ni Ni, Narinjara News, 28 February 2025
The Arakan Army (AA) has returned thousands of acres of farmland in the freed areas of Arakan State, which were once commandeered and rented out by the Myanmar military, to the original farmer proprietors.
A source affiliated with the AA disclosed that after the AA gained control over many townships in Arakan State, agricultural lands located beyond military zones in these areas were given back to their original owners.
"Since the era of the State Law and Order Restoration Council (SLORC), many farmers' properties in Arakan State have been seized. Certain lands were situated in military zones, yet the military also forcibly appropriated agricultural lands beyond these zones, converting them into tenant farms. The current State Administration Council (SAC) government has maintained the practice of turning farmers into tenants. When the Arakan Army (AA) seized control of the area, the confiscated farmlands located outside the military zones were given back to their legitimate owners. Farmers can now tend to their own fields without incurring any charges," the source clarified.
Since the SLORC period, the Myanmar military has confiscated extensive areas of agricultural land in Arakan State to create military zones and bases. It also aggressively seized agricultural land beyond these regions, turning it into tenant farms.
Tenant farmers laboring on these seized farmlands were mandated to deliver 12 baskets of rice to the military for every acre.
Currently, Narinjara News cannot reveal the precise number of acres of farmland beyond military zones that have been returned by the AA to the original proprietors.
An individual familiar with the AA revealed that the Arakan Army/Arakan People's Revolutionary Government has not announced a policy regarding the restitution of seized agricultural lands within military zones to their rightful owners.
"I haven't come across any policy related to the return of agricultural land in military zones," the source stated.
Narinjara News is continuing to reach out to AA spokesperson U Khaing Thukha concerning this issue.
A considerable quantity of farmland remains seized in military zones, and the proprietors are optimistic that it will ultimately be restored to them under the AA's authority.
A farmer from Kyauktaw Township stated, "With the Arakan Army (AA) now in charge, we request the restitution of the lands seized by the Myanmar military to their legitimate owners. These lands were cleared and farmed by the initial settlers.“
Even though the initial owners of agricultural land beyond the military zones have been permitted to return to farming, they are encountering challenges because of the elevated expenses of agriculture during the continuous conflict.