
India-AA Relations Strengthen

Khaing Lu Hla (Roma Mray) | December 03/ 2024 | View Counts :2315

Narinjara News, 03 December 2024 

The relationship between the Indian government and the Arakan Army (AA), which oversees 85% of the land in Arakan State, has notably strengthened. 

In early November, the Indian Ministry of External Affairs discreetly invited various resistance groups, including the Arakan Army, to New Delhi for talks. 

A political source linked to the AA confirmed that a delegation from the AA traveled to New Delhi at the invitation of the Indian Ministry of External Affairs Secretary to engage in discussions.

The meeting with the AA proved fruitful, as the Indian government participated in amicable talks regarding Myanmar's prospects, regional security, and border trade concerns. 

Salai Do Khar (India for Myanmar) also informed a private media organization, “In the beginning of November, the Indian Ministry of External Affairs conducted individual confidential meetings with the National Unity Government (NUG), the Arakan Army (AA), the Chin National Front (CNF), and the Chin Brotherhood (CB).” 



He clarified that every group was discussed individually during the meetings. 

“India did not have a meeting with the AA, CNF, CB, and NUG simultaneously. Every group was met individually. The talks centered around border commerce, safety, and various important matters. The key takeaway is that India paid attention to the viewpoints, requirements, and political objectives of the factions governing the border areas,” he stated. 

He stated, “This gathering with the resistance factions followed the Indian Council of World Affairs (ICWA) offering training on constitutional and federal matters to political parties, ethnic armed organizations (EAOs), and the military junta’s peace delegation in Myanmar in early November in New Delhi.” 

Relations between the Arakan resistance factions and India, which had been stagnant since 1998 when the Indian military deceived and killed Major-General Khaing Raza, the head of the National United Party of Arakan (NUPA) and Arakan Army along with five other leaders, including two from KNU, on Landfall Island in the Andaman Sea, are now starting to be restored. 

Moreover, the Indian government is advancing the Kaladan Multi-Modal Transit Transport Project in Arakan State, an accord established between Myanmar and India in 2008. The project commenced in 2009, and the construction of Sittwe Port is now finished. 

The project encompasses the Sittwe Port, Paletwa Inland Water Transport Terminal, Kaladan River Bridge, and the Paletwa-Mizoram Highway, with Sittwe Port serving to promote trade with India’s northeastern states. 

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Myanmar indicates that India has invested around US$500 million in the initiative. 

This joint project with India seeks to enhance transportation and commerce between Myanmar and India. 

Local reports indicate that the Indian government is eager to revive the project by negotiating with the AA, which presently oversees townships along the Kaladan River, including Paletwa Town. 

Political experts suggest that the Indian administration is eager to prevent China from gaining a presence in Myanmar’s Arakan State and utilizing the Kyaukphyu deep-sea port to control the Indian Ocean. 

Numerous reports suggest that China intends to send a private mercenary security team to Kyaukpyu, working with the Myanmar military government, due to security issues tied to its projects. 

Kyaukpyu is one of the three locations where the Arakan Army (AA) is getting ready to begin its final assault. The AA has successfully seized 10 of the 17 townships in Arakan State, along with Paletwa Township located on the Indian border. The AA is also assaulting the towns of Maungdaw, Ann, Gwa, and Taungup, where it has gained control of multiple military bases belonging to the junta. 

Following the conquest of these four towns, the Arakan Army (AA) could continue its attacks to capture other crucial locations, such as Sittwe, the capital of Arakan State, Kyaukphyu, which hosts significant Chinese projects like natural gas and oil pipelines, and Manaung Township located on Manaung Island close to Kyaukphyu. 

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