
Military Troops Ransack Businesses and Homes in North Gwa Township Villages

October 31/ 2024 | View Counts :1202

Narinjara News, 30 October 2024


In northern Gwa Township villages wheremilitary troops are based, locals report soldiers are robbing shops and houseswithout restraint.


"They don't care about anyone. They stealopenly day and night. People didn't believe troops robbed houses in Ku Lar Pyinbefore, but now that looting has happened in Satthwa village, locals areworried and afraid," a resident said.


Villages currently facing military lootinginclude Gyaing Kauk and Satthwa, where troops are stationed.


"In Satthwa, U Thein Maung Restaurant,Nway Moe Saung Restaurant, Ni Ni Lay Store, Aye Kyaw Grocery Store, and ThanHtut Grocery Store were all robbed. More incidents are likely. Locals have seensoldiers looting these places," the resident added.


Likewise, in Gyaing Kauk village, the homes of U Aung NaingOo, U Kan Oo, U Htin Paw Restaurant, Phyo Thiha, U Myo Lwin, and U Tun Naingwere all robbed, according to the resident.


These shops and homes belong to people fleeing the fighting,and soldiers based in these villages are looting them.


Gwa Township villages haven't seen fighting before, andlocals first doubted reports of troops robbing shops and houses, takingmotorcycles, and stealing jewelry and valuables from homes.


But now they're shocked to see these cruel actsby soldiers firsthand, residents said.

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