
Junta Arrests Dr. Nay Soe Maung, Son-in-Law of Former Military Dictator Than Shwe

October 26/ 2024 | View Counts :1056

Narinjara News, 25 October 2024


Dr. Nay Soe Maung, the son-in-law of formermilitary dictator Senior General Than Shwe, has been formally arrested by thejunta.


According to the statement, his arrest wasrelated to inciting others, disseminating propaganda, and threatening people onsocial media in an effort to weaken state stability, frighten the populace, andtopple the government.


The statement claims that on October 23 ataround 6:30 p.m., Dr. Nay Soe Maung, the owner of the Dr. Nay Soe MaungFacebook page, was taken into custody at the Pyigyitagon police station inMandalay.


The statement did not, however, elaborate onhow Dr. Nay Soe Maung disrupted the junta's activities and threatened nationalstability through his social media website.


Daw Kyi Kyi Shwe, the daughter of formermilitary dictator Senior General Than Shwe, is the spouse of Dr. Nay Soe Maung.In addition, he is the father of one of Than Shwe's favorite grandkids, NayShwe Thway Aung.


In addition to being the rector of theUniversity of Public Health, he retired as a colonel from the Myanmar ArmyMedical Corps. ( Photo- Khit Thit)

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