
Three Combat Units of Western Command in Ann Fall into the Hands of AA

October 25/ 2024 | View Counts :1301

Min Shin Saw, Narinjara News, 25 October 2024


The 373rd Light Infantry Battalion, medicalcorps, and military intelligence unit are among the fighting forces that theArakan Army (AA) has quickly taken control of from the Ann-based WesternCommand, a significant junta headquarters in Arakan state.


These combat troops were captured last night,according to an Ann Town military observer who spoke to Narinjara News.


“It is true that SaYaPha, the medical corps,and a battalion were taken by the AA. Additionally, the AA confiscatedammunition, guns, and a few POWs,” he stated. "A G1 officer and the 373rdbattalion commander fled with injuries."


He also stated that numerous Junta soldiers and new recruitswere killed. There are rumors that the G1 officer and the battalion commanderare being treated for their severe wounds at a makeshift military hospitallocated in No. 2 High School.


Several times, the junta used fighter jets toprotect Western Command and stop the AA from attacking.


On the night of October 23, however, soldiers from the 373rdLight Infantry Battalion, SaYaPha, and the medical corps retreated because theycould not stand the AA's attack.


Alongside the Western Command in Ann Town arethe 371st, 372nd, and 374th artillery battalions. As a result of the ArakanArmy's (AA) ongoing offensives against the remaining military outposts, thelevel of fighting is escalating.

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