
Military Hospital in Ann Medical Corps Relocated Due to AA Offensive

October 24/ 2024 | View Counts :1002

 Min Shin Saw, Narinjara News, 23 October 2024


Patients from the military hospital have beenmoved to No. 2 Basic Education High School in Ann Town as a result of theArakan Army's (AA) increased offensive against the military intelligence unit(SaYaPha) and the medical corps close to the Western Command.


To keep civilians from receiving medical care,Ann Town's General Hospital has also been closed.


According to a local eyewitness who spoke toNarinjara News, on October 20, artillery shells fired during the AA onslaughtcaused injured patients and military doctors to be transferred overnight fromthe military hospital within the medical corps.


"Junta soldiers appear to be hurt in largenumbers. With the help of military physicians, they relocated three times inseven cars. No. 2 Basic Education High School is currently the new location forthe patients. The medical corps and SaYaPha are also the scene of fiercefighting, and they were evacuated when artillery shells struck them," saidthe witness.


According to a different resident, the medical corps'military hospital had to be evacuated after AA artillery shells hit it, killingmultiple soldiers, including some officers.


"The Western Command and the surroundingterritories were struck by artillery munitions. Explosions could be heardeverywhere due to the intensity of the offensive. The military hospital iscurrently caring for a large number of injured Junta soldiers, and the patientsare being evacuated," the resident stated.


Additionally, the Ann District General Hospital is currentlyunder military guard and has been shuttered to prevent people from accessingmedical attention.


"Ann General Hospital, which is now mannedby the military, is no longer able to provide medical care to civilians.Another resident stated, "SaYaPha and the medical corps have reportedlyfallen as well, and the conflict is moving toward the Western Command."


Locals reportedly reported that the combat isstill going on beyond the golf field, which is a military officers' relaxationarea, and that the AA has taken several battalions close to the junta's WesternCommand.

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