
Artillery shells hit 2 Ann villages, kill 4 civilians, injure 7 others

October 22/ 2024 | View Counts :1022

Min ShinSaw, Narinjara News, 22 October 2024


At leastfour civilians were killed and seven others injured as artillery shells hit twovillages under  Ann township of Arakan State, where the intense fightingcontinues.


The victimsinclude three individuals from Laung Sat village and one from Nga Let Kyavillage. On the other hand, the injured individuals comprise five from LaungSat village and two from Nga Let Kya village.


Thedeceased from Laung Sat village are  identified as U Aung Thein (75), UNyo (60) and Ko Phyo Min Thu (17). The injured individuals include Daw Tin Nu(70), Daw Soe Soe (46), Ma Chit Htet Wai (14), Daw Hnin Ei Phyu (39) and U TinThein (58).


Thedeceased from Nga Let Kya village is identified as U Thein Win (54), while theidentities of two injured villagers remain unknown.


"Ataround 2:30 pm, the artillery shells unexpectedly struck the villages. Both thevillages are close to each other. The soldiers from western command retaliatedagainst the Arakan Army (AA) offensive. Due to the close proximity of houses,many residents were unable to escape. In Laung Sat village, three people werekilled instantly," said a local villager.


He addedthat the injured individuals are now receiving treatment at nearby medicalcentres.


"Asthe fighting is fierce, we hear the sound of warplanes and airstrikes. Thenoise is powerful enough to shake our houses. The civilians are so frightenedthat they have nowhere to go for safety," he asserted.


The AAfighters are aggressively launching their offensives against the juntabattalions in Ann locality, while the junta forces are resisting with a largenumber of soldiers.

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