MaungSar Ga, 11 October 2024
Intensefighting is ongoing between the Arakan Army (AA) and the Myanmar military juntanear Ann Town in Arakan State, located just two miles from the Western Command.
Alocal military source reported fierce clashes between both sides fromapproximately 5:00 pm to 11:00 pm on October 10, involving an exchange ofartillery shells and small arms fire.
"Thefighting was intense, with both artillery shells and small arms fire. Even now,we can often hear explosions in the military buildings in Ann Town as the AAcontinues to fire," the source stated.
Thesource added that the AA is launching an offensive against militaryinstallations, including the Western Command, the 372nd Light InfantryBattalion, and the 373rd Light Infantry Battalion in Ann Town. This offensiveis being conducted from the mountains near Kyaung Phyu Kwin village and YwarThar Yar village, situated about two miles from the Western Command.
"Thejunta is resisting with airstrikes and a large number of ground forces. Theyare desperately trying to prevent the fall of both the town and the WesternCommand," the source explained.
Anothermilitary source confirmed that intense fighting is occurring about two milesfrom the Western Command in Ann Town.
“Ifthe junta forces attempt to launch an offensive, the AA fighters open fire.They can’t come out. AA fighters are also trying to enter,” the source said.
OnOctober 7, the AA issued a statement confirming it had fully captured the MelTaung tactical operation command, located approximately 14 kilometers from theWestern Command in Ann Town, along with all surrounding military bases by thatevening.
Thesource informed Narinjara News that, following the capture of the Mel Taungtactical operation command, there are no longer any outposts within the WesternCommand. Reports are surfacing that the junta plans to conduct airstrikes andclear the area within a five-mile radius of the Western Command.
“Thereare reports emerging that they will conduct airstrikes within a five-mileradius of Ann to clear the area. These airstrikes may occur within one or twodays,” the source indicated.
Residentsof villages such as Kyauk Sa Kwe, Ywar Thar Yar, and Mel Taung, located inareas expected to be targeted by airstrikes, have already fled their homes dueto the ongoing conflict.
Amilitary source reported that the junta forces have repeatedly conductedairstrikes near the Ann-based 373rd Light Infantry Battalion, Air DefenseForces, Medical Corps, and SaYaPha.
Residentsnoted that the area around Ann Town is currently filled with the sounds ofbombs, artillery, machine guns, and small arms fire.
Afterthe capture of the Mel Taung tactical operation command, family members ofjunta soldiers stationed at the Western Command were evacuated by vehicle tothe mainland, starting on the morning of October 8.
Eyewitnessesreported that they crossed the Ann-Padan road, heading towards Minbu and Magwe.