Min Shin Saw, Narinjara News, 11 October 2024
Many departmental employees in Ann district-level townof Arakan State where the junta’s western command is located start fleeingfearing a potential clash against the Arakan Army (AA) fighters. However, thejunta soldiers and police personnel remain in their places.
A local resident informed that soon after the westerncommand evacuated the junta soldiers’ families to the mainland on 8 October in20 trucks, the departmental staff began leaving the town.
"The fighting with the AA is coming close to thetown. As the families of junta soldiers were evacuated to the mainland, thedepartmental staff are also fleeing now," added the resident.
The fleeing employees include the departmental staffbelonging to the municipal, fire, general administration, immigration,education, and electricity.
"Recently, a municipal staff member and a generaladministration official were arrested by the junta forces. They are not localArakanese people and hence they have no idea about escape routes,"stated the resident.
Mostly, the non-Arakanese departmental staff fled tothe mainland and other safer places. Even some police personnel are alsoleaving Ann town
Following the capture of Mel Taung tacticaloperation command, an important position for the western command in Annlocality, on 6 October the junta forces began evacuating their family memberswith an aim to defend the probable AA offensives.
Now even the pedestrians are not allowed to move inAnn town by the soldiers as a measure of defence against the AA fightersapprehended aggression.