
Junta orders evacuation of 7 Ann villages, residents stated leaving

October 07/ 2024 | View Counts :1586

MinShin Saw, Narinjara News, 7 October 2024


Themilitary junta ordered the immediate evacuation of seven villages near theAnn-Sittwe road under Ann township of Arakan State and many residents startedleaving their places.


Theevacuation order was meant for Kyaung Phyu Kwin, Yat Thar, Kywe Tha Lin, Pyin TawGyi, Nay Kar Ywar Thit, Gway Kine, and Kyet villages. All these villages arenear Mel Taung, where the gun fighting is going on.


"Wedidn't have time to take anything with us. We were told that the airstrikeswould be carried out and so the villagers fled. The fighting around thevillages was intense, and the airstrikes were reported near the conflict area,”said a local resident.


On6 October, the western command ordered the evacuation of villages around MelTaung, where the fighting was going on between the junta soldiers and Arakan Army (AA) fighters.


"Somevillagers fled to Ann town, while others went to nearby villages. I believethat more than 600 people fled," added the resident.


Thefamilies without national registration cards did not flee to Ann town andinstead they sought refuge in other areas where the junta forces are absent.


Theevacuated villages are primarily inhabited by Arakanese and Chin people. KyaungPhyu Kwin village has 50 households, Nay Kar Ywar Thit has 20 households, GwayKwin has 25 households, Yat Thar  has 35 households, Kywe Tha Lin has 30 households, Pyin Taw Gyi has 25 households and Kyet gives supportto 20 households.


Thejunta established Taw Hein Taung tactical operation command and  Mel Taungtactical operation command near the Ann-Sittwe road as the primary defenses toprevent the collapse of the western command. However, the AA fighters capturedTaw Hein Taung tactical operation command.


Later,they launched another offensive against Mel Taung tactical operation command.It resulted in intense fighting and the junta soldiers conducted a series ofairstrikes over the area.

Theongoing fighting now reaches the western command. In September, the AA fightersstarted offensives using artillery shells and drones, which led to manycasualties in the command base. (File photo)

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