
Junta-controlled 5 Arakanese towns begin census program

October 02/ 2024 | View Counts :1199

Kyaing Hein Lin, Narinjara News, 1 October 2024

Among the 17 townships in Arakan State, the population and housing census hasbegun today in urban areas under five towns, which are under the control of themilitary junta, for the upcoming election in 2025.

The census program begins in Sittwe, Kyaukpyu, Taungup, Ann and Manaung towns.

The residents reported that Sittwe and Taungup have undergone the censusprogram without security restrictions.

A resident of Taungup said that although the  departmental staff beganconducting the census, local people are not showing interest in it.

“The officials, including education staff, immigration personnel, ward clerksfrom the township peace & development council and ward administrators, aregoing to every household to collect the data. Many houses remain empty and someresidents have not shown  interest in participating in the process,” headded.

In contrast, the residents reported that the census is being conducted understrict security in Ann, where the western command is located, and Kyaukpyutowns.

“Security personnel are stationed at various intersections. During the census,two policemen and two soldiers accompanied the concerned officials,” he stated.

In Gwa  the census is yet to be conducted. There has been no training forthe census and there are no personnel available to pursue it. Everyone fled the conflict to arrive in the Ayeyarwady region, said a localresident.

The residents from the junta controlled localities fled to safer places likeYangon, Ayeyarwady, etc.

In these towns, the junta officials are conducting the census digitally usingmobile tablets.

The junta plans to complete the census by 15 October to prepare for theproposed national elections in 2025.

In Arakan State, the census could not be conducted in the areas controlled bythe Arakan Army (AA), which include Pauktaw, Ramree, Myebon, Minbya, Mrauk-U,Kyauktaw, Ponnagyun, Rathedaung, Buthidaung and Maungdaw towns as well asPaletwa of Chin State.

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