
Junta increases military presence in Manaung Township

August 18/ 2024 | View Counts :2230

Thinzar Nwe, Narinjara News, 18 August 2024


As fighting spreads to 16 townships (out of 17) in Arakan State, the junta forces start increasing military presence in theremaining township named Manaung.


The local  residents reported that armed forcesdeployment became visible in the township. Since the first week of August, moresoldiers have been deployed at the airfield, police station, generaladministration office along with  Thit Pone village and the jetty. Theentry and exit points for the town are being put under strict surveillance.


“Security at Thit Pone jetty has been intensified. Asthe  Arakan Army (AA) fighters are capturing the towns one after another,the junta soldiers have fortified the entire Manaung locality,” said aresident.


With an aim to face  any AA offensive on Manaung,the soldiers are being deployed on warships in  several locations like near Kyauk Ni Maw and Tha Yet Cho villages in Ramree, mouth of Thit Ponecreek in Manaung across Tha Yet Cho village, Manaung lighthouse and Ye Island.

Many military boats have been positioned near the warships, added the resident.As Manaung is part of a major waterway, a number of warships and military boatshave been stationed there.


Along Myay Ni Taung (also known as Taung Ni Taung),located 12 miles southwest of Manaung, the junta forces expanded the outpostsand also laid a number of landmines.

The soldiers from warships and military boats continue to dock at the mouth ofThit Pone creek and they are also inspecting the fishing boats and passengervessels at the sea. Allegations are floated that they are also extorting moneyfrom the villagers.


The AA fighters continue their attacks on Maungdaw,Maung Shwe Lay naval base in Thandwe with other locations in Gwa.  The junta forces anticipate that they have expanded their presence aroundManaung Island too.

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