Naung Min Thu
A military vessel crashed into a boat moving towards Bangladesh on the Nafriver on 9 June. The boat finally sank and 38 Muslim passengers includingchildren and women drowned in the river water, said local Muslim residents.
"The boat came from Bangladesh carrying machineryequipment to Myanmar. It paid money to the Myanmar navy for its journey toMaung Ni village under Maungdaw township through Naf river. On itsreturn journey, the boat carried some Muslim families who were planning tovisit Bangladesh for medical purposes. The passenger was asked to pay Bangladeshi Taka 6,000 by the navy personnel. The total amount was aroundKyats 10 million. But the boatmen could not pay the amount that led to thecollision,” said a local resident.
Only 7 individuals out of 45 boat passengerssurvived. Among the victims there was U Hu Song Char (38) from Aye Tar Li Yarvillage along with his 10-year-old son and 8-year-old daughter.
Five family members including Ko Arr Man (24) fromward number 5, U Saw Du La Vi’s 50-year-old wife along with their two youngdaughters, who lived in Myo Ma Ka Nyin Tan ward, were among the victims.
There were 15 displaced individuals from Shwe Zar, La Baw Zar and MaungNi villages and also 9 Muslim prisoners, who escaped following the AA's captureof Buthidaung 3rd border guard police battalion recently.
Driven by four boatmen, the boat departed fromMaung Ni village and moved towards Bangladesh.
Narinjara News tried to contact Arakan State military junta officials forconfirmation about the incident, but failed.
Following the closure of Maungdaw general hospital bythe military junta, local residents are currently facing difficulties inaccessing medical care and many of them are compelled to visit Bangladesh forhealthcare purposes.