Thinzar Nwe
NarinjaraNews, 4 June 2024
Thousandsof residents from Byine Phyu village are currently seeking refuge in Sittwe ofArakan State and they are in urgent need of assistance.
A Sittweresident informed Narinjara News that residents of Set Yoe Kya ward under ByinePhyu were forcibly relocated by the junta forces to monasteries in Sittwe andthose homeless individuals face various difficulties.
"Thehelpless villagers have no food and drinking water. The junta forces broughtthem to the town by cars. Now they are staying in seven monasteries. Initiallythey were provided relief items. Now the villagers are in a difficultsituation. The monasteries will not be able to feed them for a longerperiod," said the resident.
In additionto the tragedy, the villagers are now living under the control of junta forces.Moreover, they are using Sittwe residents as human shields due to the junta'sfear of attacks by the Arakha Army (AA).
"Now,none in the town dares to go out. The junta forces are preparing to use ByinePhyu villagers and other residents of Sittwe as human shields," added theresident.
Thevillagers facing difficulties in Byine Phyu village have been accommodated inMani Yadanar monastery, Sanga Yadanar monastery, Eain Soe May Mi monastery, YaTayar monastery, Sit Kae monastery, Dhamma Yeiktha monastery and Wibeiksawadimonastery.
In a recentstatement, the United League of Arakan (ULA) disclosed that on 29 May, a columnof more than 170 soldiers, including armed personnel from the regionaloperations command (ROC) in Sittwe, Pakokku-based 101st division, various otherbattalions along with the members of Arakan Liberation Party (ALP) and militarytrained Muslims entered Byine Phyu village. They besieged the village anddetained all residents including the women and children.
Among thosedetained, 53 civilians (including 48 men and 5 women) were brutallykilled by the junta soldiers and many individuals are still missing.
Currentlyover 1,500 residents of Byine Phyu village, including children, are in need oflivelihood assistance.