NarinjaraNews, 3 June 2024
The ArakanAmerican community has strongly condemned the Myanmar military rulers for thebrutal killing of 41 Arakanese people in Byine Phyu village under Sittwe townshipof Arakan State on 31 May.
Theconcerned community in a statement, issued on 1 June, also criticized themilitary junta's relentless bombing attacks on residential villages.
It may be mentioned that the junta soldiers committed war crimes in Byine Phyuvillage, where they accompanied Muslim militias and carried out the massacre ofvillagers, who were youths as well as elderly people.
Three youngwomen were gang-raped and brutally killed by the soldiers. They also burneddown two nearby villages covering thousands of houses.
Meanwhile, the soldiers bombed six towns and villages including Pauktaw and Yoe Ta Yoke on1 June.
"Webelieve that the Myanmar military, perpetrators of the war crimes in ArakanState, will soon face justice in front of the Arakanese people. We believe in the freedom of Rakhine people from the clutch of military dictators," added the statement.
Thestatement highlighted that the Arakanese people can live in an Arakan Statewhere there are guarantees for freedom, human rights and harmony among alldiverse communities.