Thinzar Nwe
NarinjaraNews, 22 May 2024
Five people, including two women,were killed and eleven others were injured by the junta’s airstrikes onTarunaing village under Paletwa township of Chin State.
Thedeceased individuals include U Maung Thein Naing (32) and U Aung Htun(67), both are Khumi people from Ah Htet Balaing village along with Ma Sandar(17), Daw Hla Khaing Oo (47) and U Aung Kyaw Nyun (33), all Arakanese from AhHtet Tarunaing village.
The injuredindividuals include Maung Di Phyo (12), Maung Myat Thu (12), Maung Aung MyatOo, Daw Mya Nu, Di Moe Htun and Daw Thein Shwe Oo, all from Ah Htet Tarunaingvillage, U Htun Lin from Set Pyin village, Aung Hei Tun from Pyin Dai village,U Kyaw Hla from Ah Htet Balaing village and U Kyaw Soe from Na Kan villageunder Mrauk-U.
A Paletwa resident informedNarinjara News that on 21 May at around 4 pm, the junta forces bombedTarunaing village with a jet fighter, even though there was no fighting goingon there.
"Thejunta forces conducted airstrikes using a jet fighter. As the town was alreadypeaceful, we didn't expect such airstrikes. People were going with normalactivities, when the bombs struck, resulting in casualties among teenagers andelderly people," explained the resident.
A residential house and a shop inTarunaing village were also destroyed by a bomb explosion. The victimssustained serious injuries. Some of them faced exceptional bleeding.
On 21 May,7 civilians were killed and 17 others were injured in Chin and ArakanStates as a result of artillery shelling by the junta's navy and air forcepersonnel.