
AA captures all junta battalions based in Buthidaung

May 19/ 2024 | View Counts :4148

NarinjaraNews, 18 May 2024


The Arakan Army (AA) has captured all junta battalions based in Buthidaung town of RakhineState.


Accordingto a statement, issued on Saturday, the AA fighters successfully captured thelast remaining battalions of the military junta in Buthidaung Township at around 12 pm.


Thecaptured battalions  include  Buthidaung tactical operation command,battalions under tactical operation command,  artillery battalion, supplybattalion and some Buthidaung-based battalions under the regional operationscommand (Sittwe).


The AAstatement on Rakhine gun fighting said that their fighters had lately capturedthe 378th artillery battalion, 234th light infantry battalion, 235th lightinfantry battalion, 352nd light infantry battalion, artillery battalion, supplybattalion, and garrison engineer battalion (GE) along with the Buthidaungtactical operation command.


On 14 May,the  junta's 353rd light infantry battalion, 535th light infantrybattalion, 263rd light infantry battalion and 233rd light infantry battalionwere captured. Earlier on 13 May, the number 3 border guard police battalionwas captured. The number 8 border guard police battalion was captured on 16May.


“At thesame time, we are chasing the junta soldiers who are fleeing from the tacticaloperation command and battalions, as well as the militant Bengali forces whohad received military training and collaborated with the terrorist militaryjunta, and launched attacks against us,” added the statement.


Many juntasoldiers fled in disorder into Buthidaung town and nearby villages for shelter. It alsoadvised the villagers around Buthidaung to maintain a heightened state ofmilitary alert.

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