
Facing casualties in Thandwe, junta forces deploy Muslims from Sittwe and conscripts from Ayeyarwady

May 14/ 2024 | View Counts :1728

 Aye Myat Khaing, NarinjaraNews, 14 May 2024


The military junta has beendeploying Muslims from Sittwe and conscripts from the Ayeyarwady region due toseveral casualties among soldiers in the Thandwe battle under  RakhineState, said a reliable military source.


"The number of soldiersremaining in the base is very low. Currently, conscripts from the Ayeyarwadyregion are being dispatched to Thandwe. Around two battalions among thereinforcements from Ayeyarwady were lost in the fighting at Ramree. Now onlythe conscripts are being sent along with the Muslims from Sittwe," addedthe military source.

The young men, who have undergone military trainingin villages around Myar creek and Shwe Kyaung Pyin village under Thandwe, werecompelled to engage in the combat near Tha Htay hydropower project, whichcompelled many of them to flee.

The deployment of conscripts with limited militarytraining and no prior combat experience led to high casualties in the Thandwebattle.


"The increase incasualties is due to the conscripts' lack of combat experience. Initially,the Thandwe-based battalions had only a few soldiers. Now, as conscripts arrivein Thandwe 55th battalion, they have changed their uniforms," explainedthe source.


On 9 May, the juntasoldiers, stationed in Lin Thi village, went to Sue Pote Kone village to buygoods from  the market. On their return,  they were intercepted bythe Arakha Army fighters, resulting in high casualties among the soldiersincluding some veterans.


 More than 50 junta soldiers,including two officers from the 55th infantry battalion based in Ngapali, werekilled in the gun fighting that broke out in Shwe Hlay sub-township. Two youngmen, who received military training, also died in the battle.


On 6 May, at least 30soldiers were killed and several others sustained injuries when two artilleryshells malfunctioned and exploded during firing from the tactical operationcommand stationed on Bar Taung mountain towards  Shwe Hlay sub-township, wherethe fighting was going on, stated a source close to the AA.

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