Narinjara News, 8 May 2024
The Arakha Army (AA) has announced that it hassuccessfully captured five major military bases, including the headquarters of15th military operations command (MOC-15) in Buthidaung and four other militarybases along with the Kyee Kan Pyin border guard police headquarters in MaungdawTownship of RakhineState.
InButhidaung, AA captured MOC 15 along with light infantry battalions (LIB) 552nd,564th, 565th and 551st, said in thestatement of AA issued on 4 May 2024.
The fierce battle continued as the AA fighters chased juntasoldiers retreating from the 551st light infantry battalion and the MOC-15headquarters in Buthidaung.
The fleeing soldiers tried to resist from Tan ShaukKhan village under Buthidaung township, but the AA fighters overpowered them.
The 552nd battalion was captured on 25 March, 564thbattalion on 5 April, 565th battalion on 24 April, MOC-15 headquarters on2 May and 551st battalion on 3 May.
The offensive against MOC-15 headquarters intensified from the last week of April and resulted in its fallafter almost two weeks of fighting.
The military bases, captured by the AA fighters in Maungdawon the western border of Rakhine State, include a hill-based camp with a celltower, a 6-mile hill-based camp, the number 1 border guard police battalion(Kyee Kan Pyin) and number 10 border guard police battalion (Hla Phoe Khaung).
The AA fighters have also seized a large volume ofarms, ammunition and military equipment.
The AA paid tribute to the fighters whosacrificed their lives in the battle. Fierce clashes also went on in Maungdaw,Ann, Kyaukphyu and Thandwe townships.