
AA fighters clash with junta soldiers in Thandwe township

April 27/ 2024 | View Counts :6446

An intense clash between the junta soldiers and ArakhaArmy (AA) fighters took place for three consecutive days near Pa Yit, Yae Kaukand Daw Myao villages under Thandwe township in southern Rakhine State,resulting in a number of casualties among the soldiers.


The injured soldiers are now receiving medicaltreatment at Thandwe hospital, said the local residents.


"The junta soldiers retreated towards Shwe Hlayvillage. Clashes went on over Pa Yit village mountains. The AA fightersbesieged the area prompting the junta forces to call for warplane support. Butthe warplanes also retreated after the AA offensive. Body of a captain wasburied in the Yae Kauk village monastery. When the junta forces attempted toretrieve the bodies, AA fighters opened fire and prevented them from doingso," said a resident of Shwe Hlay village.


A military junta captain was reportedly killed in theclash and his body was buried in the monastery. However, Narinjara News cannotindependently confirm the information.


From 22 to 24 April, the clashes occurred between thetwo armed sides near Pa Yit, Yae Kauk and Daw Mya villages. The junta soldierswere stationed at Tha Htay hydropower project, which is located 10 miles awayfrom these villages.


The junta's tactical operation command at thehydropower project was attacked by the AA fighters from Daw Mya village. Theclash along the forest road resulted in the death of 40  soldiers. Theinjured soldiers were taken to Thandwe hospital in the early hours of 24 April.


"The AA's military strategy is quite effective.While the junta soldiers focused on Daw Mya village, the AA fighters approachedfrom Pa Yit village and launched a close-range attack. Access to the area isrestricted and some of the injured personnel were sent to Yangon hospital,”said a Thandwe resident.


The AA has appealed to residents of Daw Mya  andPa Yit villages to evacuate the conflict zone. Many residents of Kyaung Konevillage near Tha Htay hydropower project fled to safer places.

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