
Junta tightens security, makes military preparations on Ayeyarwady-Rakhine border

March 30/ 2024 | View Counts :3810

The Arakan Army (AA) has penetrated into the Magwayregion and initiated combat, sparking concerns of an offensive along theAyeyarwady-Rakhine border. In response, the  junta has commenced militarypreparations in the locality and intensified security measures.


Local residents informed Narinjara News that along theNgathainggyaung-Gwa road, which serves as the border between Ayeyarwady regionand Rakhine State, the junta has heightened security measures, increasedmilitary preparations, and is conducting rigorous inspections.


"Besides Bay Dar checkpoint, additionalcheckpoints have also been established along the Ngathainggyaung-Gwa road,where inspections are being carried out regularly. The junta has increased itspresence in the area, with military vehicles arriving from Rakhine andreinforcements from Myanaung. There is a concern that the AA fighters  mayadvance in this direction due to ongoing fighting in Rakhine," said aresident of the border area. 


Every night along the Ngathainggyaung-Gwa road,ambushes and regular patrols are conducted by military vehicles from the 344thartillery battalion based in Ye Kyi township and policemen from Kone Pyinpolice station.


On 26 March, the junta soldiers reopened the Bay Darcheckpoint on the said road in Ye Kyi township of Pathein district underAyeyarwady region, where they have been conducting inspections and alsoextorting money from common travellers.


"At  Ngathainggyaung police station, manybunkers have been constructed using donated wood, sand, and bamboo parts. Everyday, military vehicles and private cars travel from Rakhine toAyeyarwady," said a resident of Ngathainggyaung.


The junta forces, administrators and Pyusawhtimilitias from Ngathainggyaung conduct regular patrols alongside the soldiersfrom 563rd infantry battalion, who have established a checkpoint near Gwatownship of  Rakhine State.


Another resident of Ngathainggyaung mentioned that theAA fighters have already infiltrated villages along the Ayeyarwady-Rakhineborder and the soldiers were carrying out daily patrols, inspections, andambush patrols in the area.


These checkpoints impose fees ranging from up to Kyats25,000 per motorcycle to Kyats 150,000 (up to 200,000) per car transporting oiland foodstuff to the Rakhine region.


At the Kho Taung exit in Ngathainggyaung, Ye Kyitownship of Pathein district under Ayeyarwady region, the soldiers areconducting inspections on motorbikes and cars. They are also involved inextortion activities. The vehicles coming to  Rakhine are being subjectedto inspections.


According to a recent AA statement, 10 soldiers werekilled and 18 others sustained injuries in two clashes between the AA fightersand  junta forces in Ngape township of the Magway region.


The clashes took place on 26 March near Tonegyivillage and on 28 March near Chaungphyar village, under  Ngape township ofMagway region.

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