
Families of 372nd battalion & supply unit retreat due to fear of AA offensive

March 28/ 2024 | View Counts :1693

All familymembers of the 372nd light infantry battalion and supply unit based in Anntownship of Rakhine State retreated to the western command, said a local socialactivist on 27 March.


"Thesoldiers and all family members of the 372nd light infantry battalion and supply unitretreated to the western command. They also destroyed a small bridge on theirway,” he added.


There isintense fighting between the junta forces and  Arakan Army (AA) fightersin Ann township. Due to fear of a potential offensive by the AA fighters, thesoldiers and their family members have retreated.


A localresident informed Narinjara News that the fighting took place in Pyaung Thayand Nga Let Kya villages under Ann township since the morning hours. The soundof intense artillery shelling and small arms firing was heard till the midnight hours.


"Weheard the sound of artillery shelling and small arms firing. I cannot confirmwhether it came from the direction of the 372nd battalion or elsewhere,” addedthe resident.


Theartillery shells fired by the junta soldiers from one-mile hill landed on Kha Yan Kyun and Htin Chaung villages.


The 371stlight infantry battalion, 372nd light infantry battalion and 373rd lightinfantry battalion are headquartered in Ann locality and now these battalionsare merged.


Due to theincreasing conflict near the western command, the residents in the town andneighboring villages are fleeing to safer places.

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