The military junta has reinforced troops and deployedartillery at Tha Htay hydropower project in Thandwe township of RakhineState, said a local source familiar with the project.
"The artillery were brought and deployed at thehydropower project site. Five howitzers have been positioned," the sourceadded.
On 24 March, five howitzers were positioned at the projectsite.
The clashes have erupted in southern Rakhine localitiesincluding Taungup township, where the 5th military operations command (MOC-5)is located. However, construction of the hydropower project continues under thejunta's security plan.
There is still military tension between the Arakan Armyfighters and junta soldiers about two miles away from the hydropower project inthe areas between Thandwe and Taungup townships.
The junta forces conducted airstrikes with jetfighters and fired from the navy near Hone Pauk village under Taunguptownship and Chi Chaung area near Daw Mya new village.
The junta soldiers and police personnel maintain strictchecking of national registration cards of those who are working at ThaHtay hydropower project. They also prohibit the drivers from leaving theworkplace.
"The drivers from the hydropower project are notallowed to leave. About 70 soldiers and police personnel are stationedinside," another source informed Narinjara News.
The residents also revealed that on the morning of 24 March,the navy personnel fired five artillery shells towards Zin Pyun mountain nearHone Pauk village, which is located not far from the hydropower project.
On 20 March, the junta forces conducted airstrikes with jetfighters on the mountains near the Chi Chaung areas between Hone Pauk villagein Taungup and Daw Mya new village in Thandwe township.