
AA Confirms Complete Capture of All 3 Battalions in Rathedaung

March 19/ 2024 | View Counts :5157

"Approximately 200 Junta Soldiers Escape viaWarships"


18, March, 2024


The Arakan Army (AA) confirmed the completecapture of all three battalions of the military junta based in Rathedaung, 20 miles north of State capital Sittwe, on March 17.


The statement also mentioned that approximatelytwo hundred junta soldiers escaped via warships.


"All 3 battalions based in Rathedaung, Rakhine State, namely the 536th Light Infantry Battalion, 537th LightInfantry Battalion, and 538th Light Infantry Battalion, were completelycaptured by the Arakan Army on March 17, 2024, at approximately 4 pm,"according to a statement released on March 17.


Despite intense resistance from the enemy'sarmy, navy, and air force, all three battalions were successfully capturedafter approximately two weeks of offensive attacks, the statement continued.


The statement indicated that approximately 200junta soldiers from these battalions escaped using warships. However, it alsomentioned the discovery of bodies of Muslims recently given military trainingby the military junta, as well as the bodies of the junta soldiers.Additionally, weapons, ammunition, and military equipment were seized.


The Arakan Army (AA) also stated that theiroffensive is intensifying to fully capture the 552nd Light Infantry Battalionunder the 15th Military Operations Command (MOC-15) in Buthidaung Township.


The 'terrorist' military junta, which is losingground in Rakhine and losing one township after another, continues to targetcivilians by attacking schools, hospitals, religious buildings, roads, andbridges, and committing war crimes on a daily basis.


As a result of the military junta's targetedattacks on the public, the number of casualties among innocent civilians isescalating daily.

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