The junta forces have conducted airstrikes on Thar DaeMuslim village in Chein Taung village-tract under Minbya township of RakhineState early this morning, resulting in the killing of 23 Muslim civilians andinjures to 15 others.
The junta's jet fighter dropped bombs on the Muslim village at 1:34 am on 18March, which also damaged many houses.
"The jet fighter fired continuously and dropped bombs which killed20 villagers on the spot. Three of 15 injured villagers later died in thehospital,” said a local resident.
Mawlawi U Hasa Nali (60), a Muslim religious scholaralong with his wife and three children (aged 3 months, 5 months and 1year) died in the incident.
The bombs also destroyed five houses and killed one cow and injured twoother animals. The injured villagers are now under medication but thecasualties may increase, said a reliable source to Narinjara News.
The junta has been conducting daily airstrikes with jet fighters anddeliberately targeting residential wards and villages under Pauktaw,Minbya, Mrauk-U and Ponnagyun townships, which are now under the control of theArakan Army. It has resulted in more casualties among the civilians.