
Ma Ei town Liberated from junta forces, AA conducts landmine clearance operations

February 23/ 2024 | View Counts :2021

 On the night of 16 February,the junta soldiers stationed at Ma Ei Myoma police station and Zee Zan Taungmilitary camp withdrew from Ma Ei town.


The local residents told NarinjaraNews that though the soldiers  are no longer in Ma Ei under Taungupdistrict of  Rakhine State, a good number of landmines remain in thelocality.


Now the  Arakan Army(AA) starts the landmine clearance operations there.


 "The AA beganclearing landmines at the police station on 19 February. They put manylandmines there. A significant number of mines are still there,”  said aresident.


The soldiers also destroyed Ma Ei bridge, which connects Ma Ei with Pyin Wun. Kyauk Gyi Pauk bridgeon Ma Ei-Kyaukphyu road was also destroyed before their departure.


During their retreat, thelandmines and artillery shells caused damage to several houses located at thebase of Ma Ei bridge. A high school in Ma Ei town was also destroyed.


Currently Zee Zan Taungmilitary camp and Ma Ei Myoma police station are devoid of junta soldiers.


“There are no junta soldiersin Zee Zan Taung, but the landmines are yet to be cleared," added theresident.


Myebon town, situated inTaungup district, includes four urban wards with a population of  over5,000.


Despite the withdrawal ofjunta forces, most of the residents are still out of the locality in fear ofairstrikes. As the grade 5 and 9 examinations begin on Thursday some residents have returned back.


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