
AA launches offensive against Minbya advanced training school

February 22/ 2024 | View Counts :4704

 The  Arakan Army (AA) has launched an offensiveagainst the  junta’s number 9 advanced training school near Kanni villageunder Minbya township of Rakhine State. The AA fighters started the offensiveon 17 February, said a statement.


Now the AA  warns again the junta soldiers tosurrender as early as possible. The training school is situated near May Lunvillage too.


Meanwhile, since Tuesday a jet fighter of the juntaconducted airstrikes on Ramree locality and its  surrounding areas andalso dropped  500lb bombs.


The bomb was louder and explosive than those droppedin earlier days. It caused the ground particles to mix with smoke and rise upto 100 feet.


The statement also indicated that the soldiers wereconducting indiscriminate attacks on residential areas using artillery shellsfrom their bases in Sittwe, Ponnagyun, Rathedaung, and Buthidaung townships.


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