
After 3 navy vessels sank, AA rescues many individuals

February 12/ 2024 | View Counts :1850

The Arakan Army (AA)revealed that three military vessels sank during the naval battle on Kaladanriver in Kyauktaw township of Rakhine State and many individuals survived byswimming were also rescued by the AA members.

On 8 February, the AA launched a massive attack onthree naval vessels transporting junta soldiers from Kyauktaw MOC-9 and 376thbattalion through Kaladan river at Ah Pauk Wa village area. The vessels werecarrying more than 500 soldiers along with their families.

According to the AA,  the final 30-minute weregiven to the soldiers to leave the vessels, but they started firing on AAfighters. When it was retaliated over 10 soldiers were killed.


Many individuals, whosurvived by swimming, were later rescued by the AA fighters. One Arakanesefighter lost his life during the rescue operation.


During a naval battle on 7and 8 February, the military vessels faced significant damages. The soldierswere asked to surrender three times by loudspeakers raising white flags. Butthe soldiers refused to comply with it and tried to defend their vessels.


All soldiers and theirfamilies, who had surrendered following the Rakhine and Paletwa regionsoffensives which began on 13 November, have been kept under the AA custody withcare. The statement also added that the prisoners of war are treated according tothe laws.

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