
AA captures six towns so far, two more waits for coming under their control

February 08/ 2024 | View Counts :6686

 The Arakan Army (AA) sinceits fighters launched an offensive against the military junta in the Rakhineregion on 13 November,  has successfully captured six towns namely Sami, Pauktaw, Minbya, Kyauk Taw, Taung Pyo Let Wae along with Paletwa.


Mrauk-U and Ramree(Yanbye) are among the towns, currently under attack by the AA fighters, andthose likely to fall.


The AA captured Paletwa on14 January, Sami on 16 January, Pauktaw on 19 January, Minbya & Taung PyoLet Wae on 6 February and Kyauk Taw on 7  February.


Efforts continue tocapture Mrauk-U and Ramree townships. Strategic analysts believe that boththe townships may go to AA’s control soon.


The AA fighters have alreadycaptured 540th light infantry battalion 378th light infantry battalion and  377th light infantry battalion in Mrauk-U, the ancientcapital of Rakhine StateWith only one police battalion remaining, it is anticipated that it will also becaptured soon.


All six  battalions based in Kyauktaw namely 539th lightinfantry battalion, 377th artillery battalion, 374th light infantry battalion,376th light infantry battalion, 9th militaryoperations command (MOC-9) and the 375th light infantry battalion werecompletely captured by the AA fighters within one month.


In Ramree town, only a smallgroup of junta forces remains out of AA’s control. 


During the Rakhine conflictsthat  began on 13 November, the AA fighters  captured nearly 200military bases including the large military units like tactical operationcommand bases and several other battalions.


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