According to a statement issued by Three BrotherhoodAlliance both the battalions were captured by AA fighters at around 11:50 pm onMonday.
Earlier the AA captured the 376thlight infantry battalion, operating under 9th military operations command(MOC-9) of the military junta in Kyauktaw on 2 February last.
The 378th battalion under MOC-9, which used terrorisethe civilians and even destroyed Mrauk-U historical and cultural heritages, wasdefeated on 5 February.
On 30 January, theKyauktaw-based 374th battalion was captured by AA fighters. Now the
376th battalion has gone toAA’s control.
Currently, the MOC-9 and375th battalion in Kyauktaw locality remains out of AA’s control.
The AA also captured theMrauk-U-based 540th battalion on 30 January. Now they have
captured the 378th battalion.
The 377th light infantrybattalion and 31st police battalion in Mrauk-U are also facing attacks by AAfighters and those may fall very soon.
The conflicts across theRakhine region are escalating as the AA continues its attacks on theremaining junta camps in Minbya, Kyauktaw and Mrauk-U townships.
However, the clashesin Rathedaung, Ponnagyun, Ramree (Yanbye) and Ann townships are yet to beintense. But the junta forces persisted in launching attacks using air forceand navy personnel.
The offensive, initiated on4 February continues and the AA fighters have targeted Taung Pyo Let Waecamp, a border guard camp in Maungdaw township, situated along theBangladesh-Rakhine border.
The AA is actively pursuing and attacking the juntasoldiers attempting to escape. Some even crossed into Bangladesh. Over 100 border guard police personnel entered Bangladeshyesterday and many are joining them today also.
The navy warship fired morethan 10 artillery shells over Pyin Chaung Gyi village under Ramree andits adjacent areas, added the statement.