Intense clashes between theArakan Army (AA) and junta forces are going on in six townships of Rakhine State namely Pauktaw, Kyauktaw, Rathedaung, Mrauk-U, Minbya andRamree (Yanbye).
Narinjara News has compiledand reported on the battles in Minbya, Kyauktaw, Mrauk-U and Rathedaung.
Battle in Rathedaung
There are three battalionsnamely the 536th, 537th and 538th light infantry battalionsare based in Rathedaung township. The battalion situated near the town isidentified as the 537th. Currently, the AA fighters have initiatedattacks on the 536th battalion near Kha Naung Gyi and Kan Pyin villages to thenorth of Rathedaung township.
Due to the fighting, allresidents from Kha Naung Gyi, Kan Pyin, and Ywar Thit Kay villages have fledsince yesterday.
Before the fighting began,all Rathedaung residents had fled to safer places. Myoma police station hadlong been abandoned, according to a local resident.
Battle in Kyauktaw
Kyauktaw is home tothe 9th military operations command (MOC-9) along with the 374th, 375thand 376th light infantry battalions. The AA members are currently engaging inattacks on the 374th and 376th battalions. They have penetrated the 376thbattalion, located near the Kisspanadi bridge.
Due to the close-rangefighting, the junta forces couldn't use artillery shells, resulting in manycasualties.
Battle in Mrauk-U
The 377th, 378th and 540thlight infantry battalions are stationed in Mrauk-U. The AA fighters havesuccessfully captured the 540th battalion and the soldiers from this unitjoined the 377th and 378th battalions in Baungdwat. Due to the close-rangefighting, the junta forces are unable to use artillery shells, putting them ina difficult situation.
The AA members have surrounded the remaining two battalions (the 377th and 378th)and it is anticipated that food shortages will soon occur there.
Battle in Minbya
In Minbya, the junta'sbattalions including the 379th, 380th, 541st, as well as Kyaing Taungartillery camp are located. The AA has captured the 380th, 541st battalions andKyaing Taung artillery camp. The 379th battalion is about to fall. Recently,about 30 junta soldiers were sent as reinforcements to support the battalion and they are actively engaged in its defense.
This morning the juntasoldiers carried out airstrikes on Nga Tan Pyin village. They are conductingairstrikes in nearby areas as many senior officers, including the tacticaloperations commander, are currently trapped in the 379th battalion. Some soldiersare coming to Minbya via navy barges and they are being disembarked at Kywe SelPyin village.
Battle in Pauktaw
Following the arson attacksin Pauktaw township, the junta soldiers have withdrawn from the town facing anumber of casualties.