
6 including 2 children killed by Kyauktaw-based MOC-9's artillery shelling, 6 others injured

January 18/ 2024 | View Counts :1529

 The 9thmilitary operations command (MOC-9) based in Kyauktaw locality of Rakhine Statelaunched a series of artillery shells at Lint Zin Ywar Thit village in Pichaung area of Kyauktaw township which has killed six villagersincluding two children and injured six others.


Thedeceased include U San Thar Kyaw (aged over 70), Daw Kyin Sein (also 70), DawAye Nu (54) along with two boys (each around 10 years old).


A femaleresident of Lint Zin Ywar Thit village informed Narinjara News that on 17January at noon, the artillery shells discharged by Kyauktaw-based MOC-9 struckvarious houses in the village, causing fatalities and injuries to villagers.


"Threeartillery shells struck the village, with one hitting the school. A fighter jetmade three rounds and launched the attacks. Retrieving the bodies becameimpossible. One house was reduced to ashes and another completely destroyed. Myuncle and aunt were trapped in the fire. Six villagers including a 12-year-oldchild were killed and 6 others injured. An 11-year-old child, who wasundergoing medical treatment for injuries, also died,” she added.


 Shefurther mentioned that Kyauktaw-based MOC-9 not only launched artillery shellsat Lint Zin Ywar Thit village but also deployed jet fighters compelling thevillagers to flee for safer places.


"Thesound of artillery shells made my heart tremble. We have never encountered thisin our village. We fled with our children, wearing just one set of clothing.It's truly heartbreaking because we lost our relatives," she stated.


Among thesix wounded individuals there are two boys, one girl, one elderly man and twoelderly women.


Meanwhile,U Saw Hla Tun (52)  from Ywar Haung ward was also hit  by shrapnelfrom an artillery shell fired by the junta's MOC-9 in the morning hours.


Recently,the residents of Lint Zin Ywar Thit village reported that the entire people hadto flee to safer places due to the explosion of artillery shells.

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