
Clashes erupt after AA launches improvised rocket attack on Kyaukphyu’s Dhanyawadi naval base

January 09/ 2024 | View Counts :4409

Clashes erupted after the Arakan Army (AA) launchedimprovised rocket attacks at  Dhanyawadi naval base in Thit Poke Taungarea under Kyaukphyu townshipof Rakhine state, where there are many Chinese projects including gas and oil.  


A Kyaukphyu resident informed Narinjara News that theAA members launched five improvised rockets at the naval base by 7 am on 8January.


"This morning, a clash took place in Thit PokeTaung. We came to know that the clash began after the AA members firedimprovised rockets on the naval base," added the resident.


After the rocket attacks, the navy warships in Thanzitriver below Kyan Chai village started firing back with artillery shells, whichcaused explosions in the mountains and also the fields near Si Maw village.


"The AA targeted the naval base and there was nocounter firing from the base. The navy warships in the river later responded byfiring artillery shells, which landed in the mountains and paddy fields, closeto the naval base," explained the resident.


He added that  exchanges of fire between the twosides continued for some time. Later the AA members retreated and the firingstopped.


Narinjara News can not confirm if the improvisedrocket attack was done by the AA members  and how much damage it caused toDhanyawadi naval base.


On 22 December, a clash between the two armed sidestook place in Kyaukphyu township as the AA had intercepted the movement of a junta owned vehicle near Thit Poke Taung Dhanyawadi naval base.


At around  10:30 am on 23 December, the clashemerged around 1,300 meters north of Sane town under Kyaukphyu township.According to a statement issued by Three Brotherhood Alliance, four juntasoldiers were injured in the clash.


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