
3 civilians killed, 6 injured as artillery shells struck Mrauk-U

December 25/ 2023 | View Counts :10051

The juntatroops deliberately targeted residential areas under Mrauk-U, the ancient cityof Rakhine State, with artillery shells on 24 December  resulting in thedeath of three civilians and injuries to six others, said Three BrotherhoodAlliance.


The deceased individuals hail from Sin Cha Seik wardof Mrauk-U township. The victim married couple is identified as  U SanMaung (35) and Ma Hla Hla (29). Their 5-year-old daughter also sustainedinjuries.


"The Sin Cha Seik ward family was struck by anartillery shell leading to the loss of life and properties. The husband andwife died on the spot. The daughter almost lost her arm. She is now undergoingtreatment at the hospital," said a Mrauk-U resident.


According to the Three Brotherhood Alliance statement,the Mrauk-U-based 540th light infantry battalion intentionally fired theartillery shells at around 3 pm.


The explosion of an artillery shell at Sin Cha Seikward resulted in the killing of the married couple, where the daughtersustained injuries. Another individual also sustained serious injuries and heeventually died.


Many residential buildings were also damaged by theartillery shelling by soldiers. The injured individuals include two men and onewoman along with a minor girl.


Two artillery shells also exploded at Ywar Haung Tawvillage, where a 40-year-old  man sustained injuries.


In the early morning hours of Sunday, a clash brokeout between the Arakan Army (AA) members and junta soldiers, stationed at NgweTaung Pauk police station and Thu Taw Ma Taung camp, at Ngwe Taung Pauk bridgein Mrauk-U locality.


Following the clash, many civilians were deliberatelytargeted by the soldiers with artillery shells and the gun fighting continuedtill  6 am.


Both the  540th and  377th light infantrybattalions launched over 100 artillery shells targeting Mrauk-U town and itssurrounding villages.


At approximately 1:30 pm on 24 December, over 70soldiers from the 377th light infantry battalion forcefully entered AungMingalar ward and took six local residents as human shields. Subsequently at3:10 pm, they advanced to  Bandoola ward from the cemetery and continuedfiring small arms. They arrested three  more locals.


Meanwhile at around 12 noon on Sunday, nearly 50 juntasoldiers arrived at Mya Taung jetty in Buthidaung township in two vehicles.They threatened the local residents and confiscated essential food productsfrom them.


On 23 December 23 at around 11:50 pm, more than 30soldiers entered number five ward of  Buthidaung in two military vehiclesand abducted one local man. They also looted a diamond ring, MMK 300,000 and abottle of gasoline from his residence.


The military council launched a drone attack on TawKan village under Sittwe township at 12 noon on Sunday.


At around 10 am on the same day, an artillery shellwas fired by the 550th light infantry battalion based in Ponna Kyunt township.It  exploded in Yay Phyu Kan village and resulted in damaging two houses,added the statement.

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