The Three BrotherhoodAlliance announces its unwaveringcommitment to uphold the political goals that resonate with the hope andaspiration of the entire people ofMyanmar, said a press statement of thealliance issuedat 11:50 pm on 12 December.
"We want to makeit clear that we are unwavering in our dedication to the political goals of theentire Myanmar population, who have endured generations of oppression under themilitary council. We will not turn our backs to this commitment," addedthe statement.
Furthermore, itconveyed that the Operation 1027 had been progressing as planned, targeting themilitary bases and hill-based artillery camps one after another, which posed athreat to the people.
Although the specificobjectives of each group and collective goals of the three engaged groups havebeen somewhat accomplished, it suggested that a continued period of fightingwill be necessary to achieve the ultimate goal.