
School Closures Across 9 Rakhine Townships Amidst Fears of Fighting and Military Council’s Shelling

November 26/ 2023 | View Counts :2067

 Hundreds of schools across nine townships in Rakhine Statehave been shut down, citing security concerns arising from the persistingconflict in the region and the intermittent shelling by the Military Council.


The nine townships experiencing school closures are Minbya,Pauktaw, Rathedaung, Ponnagyun, Kyauktaw, Mrauk-U, Maungdaw, Buthidaung, andAnn, as per information from an education official.

Almost all the schools in Pauktaw and Minbya are closed, andin rural areas, security concerns prevent teachers from attending schools,resulting in school closures”, he told Narinjara.


In Rakhine State, clashes between the Arakan Army (AA) andthe Military Council have resurfaced since November 13th, causing tens ofthousands to be displaced by the conflict and leading to the closure ofnumerous schools.


"There isn't an official letter from authorities toclose schools, but the teaching staff, now war-displaced themselves, are unableto come to schools anymore”, an education staff from Rathedaung Townshipexplained.


A Minbya resident mentioned that nearly the entire Minbyatown has been evacuated due to the Military Council's indiscriminate firing ofartillery and small arms into the town almost daily. This has resulted in theclosure of shops and schools as well.


"The Military Council shoots randomly with artilleryand small arms almost every day, so who would dare to go to school? People haveto flee for safety as even living at home is too risky. Sending children toschool is unsafe, and teachers can't come to school either”,  the sourcetold Narinjara.


Likewise, in Pauktaw, schools were shut down as nearly theentire town evacuated due to fear of arrest and violence from the MilitaryCouncil. The detention of some education staff by the Military Council has alsoheightened concerns, according to a family member of an education staff fromPauktaw.


"My brother, who is a teacher, has been arrested alongwith other teachers. This kind of action is very harmful to education. Theentire town is now deserted, and all the schools are closed”, she toldNarinjara.


"Worried parents aren't sending their children toschools due to the fighting, and teachers can't go to schools anymore”, aneducation staff from Maungdaw Township also noted.


Rakhine State has 3193 basic education schools,specifically, 487 high schools, 1171 middle schools, and 1535 primary schools.


Narinjara could confirm that hundreds of schools arepresently closed due to the security situation in Rakhine State. However, theexact number couldn't be disclosed as attempts to contact the Rakhine StateDepartment of Education were unsuccessful.

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