The incident took place in the evening hours on 22November. The rocket launcher malfunctioned during its operation and the shelllanded on the ground and burst.
"The shell fell down from behind the rocketlauncher and exploded. There were two fatalities and six injuries,” added thesource.
The injured soldiers were sent to the militaryhospital in Sittwe and currently they are undergoing medical treatment.
Another source close to the police unit also claimedthat two people died and six others injured in the incident, but he can notconfirm if the victims were soldiers.
On 21 November, the 12th police battalion,stationed near Kandaw Gyi water reservoir in Sittwe, launched shelling overPauk Taw township, where the Arakan Army (AA) was fighting against the juntaforces.
The AA alleged that the soldiers were using MI 35helicopter and jet fighters against their members. Many civilians were alsorescued by AAmembers from the custody of junta forces.