Sunday, September 8th 2024

6 Thandwe residents arrested by junta authorities

  • By: Web Master
  • | Date: 15 November 2023
  • | Viewer: 3.6k

At least 6 residents of Thandwe, a district town of Rakhine State, have been arrested by the junta authorities in the last two days, said a local resident.

Those arrested include the owner of Htoo Kay café, an employee, a custodian from the city middle school, a GTI school teacher and two other men, added the resident while talking to Narinjara News.


On the night of 14 November, the Htoo Kay café owner and two other men were arrested, while the electricity was out or order in the locality.


"Names of the café owner and two others are yet to be known. The soldiers arrived at the location, when there was no electricity, and finally picked them up. It is not known which army battalion was engaged with the incident,” he added.


It was the second arrest as the soldiers had already picked up three others (employee of the bartender, GTI school teacher and custodian from the city middle school) the same day.


“ I think the arrest was related to their suspected links with the Arakan Army (AA),” the resident stated.


They are currently being held in the LIB 55 army battalion based in Thandwe, informed a local social worker.


How can the soldiers prove that they were associated with the AA. The Burmese army can not fight against AA members, but terrorist the civilians. The unarmed ordinary people are suffering from the army atrocities. The soldiers don't dare to leave their camp to fight against the AA members, but continue abusing the civilians. It's disgusting," he added.


Narinjara News is trying to get in touch with the affected family members.


Earlier, 11 businessmen from Taungup locality were arrested by the military authorities.

Four residents of Kyauk Phyu including U Than Hlaing (administrator of Zaydi Daung) were arrested on the suspicion of maintaining links with the AA.


Some arrests are also reported from the Rakhine capital city of Sittwe.


Political observers believe that the soldiers, who are facing defeat in the gun fighting against the ethnic armed groups in northern Rakhine, are terrorising the civilians because of their increasing frustration.

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