
4 civilians killed, 10 injured on first day of renewed fighting in Rakhine State

November 14/ 2023 | View Counts :2739

On the first day of renewed fighting in Rakhine Stateon 13 November between the junta forces and Arakan Army (AA) members, fourcivilians were killed and 10 others were injured.


The casualties were reported from Mrauk U (2) and KyaukTaw (2)  which are located in thenorthern part of Rakhine State.


The injured individuals hail from Mrauk U (4), KyaukTaw (4), Maungdaw (1) and Minbya (1) townships.


The civilians died because of indiscriminate firingfrom the soldiers, said the villagers.


In Mrauk U, the shooting took place near to funeraloffice in Kyauk Rate Kay, where two civilians were killed and 4 seriouslyinjured due to the soldiers’ unprovoked firing.


The army personnelfired on a company car carrying four people hailing from Burma proper. Thedriver died on the spot. Another died at hospital and two individuals are nowrecovering,” said an eye witness.


In Apauk Wa village of Kyauk Taw, two villagersincluding a woman were killed and 4 were seriously injured when a shell firedby the LIB 539th based in Kansak village exploded in the evening hours of 13November.


The army personnel were angry at the surrender of 26policemen from Apauk Wa police station to the AA along with their arms andammunition.


Those who died were identified as Daw Tha Htoo Mi and UAung Kyaw Zaw from Apauk Wa village The wife and three sons of Aung Kyaw Zawwere also injured.


In Min Bya, a Chin national named U Kyaw Thein Phyu(over 50 years old) from Pethar Pyint village was seriously injured, when ashell exploded as he was harvesting paddy crops near his village. Later he was hospitalizedat Min Bya hospital.


Also in Maungdaw, a Dainet minority girl (around 9years old) hailing from Thinpaw Hla village was hit by a bullet fired by thesoldiers. Now the child is undergoingtreatment at Kyin Chaungh hospital. She may be shifted to Maungdaw districthospital in need.


The fighting in Rakhine State erupted on Sunday almosta year after an understanding for ceasefire between the junta forces and AAmembers which was agreed on 26 November 2022.

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