
AA collaborates with northern allies to attack junta military sites in northern Myanmar

November 01/ 2023 | View Counts :7519

The Arakan Army (AA), whose armed members areacclaimed for courage and combat skills, has joined hands with the northernallies (Kachin Independence Army-KIA , MNDAA and TNLA) to battle against themilitary council troops in Kachin and northern Shan State along with Sagaingdivision.


Since 27 October, as the operation 1027 waslaunched by the three-brotherhood alliance (comprising Myanmar National Democratic AllianceArmy- MNDAA), Ta'ang National Liberation Army-TNLA and AA), theBurmese army camps are facing attacks in several northern Myanmar localities.


Lately, a joint column of AA and KIA hadcaptured a strategic base of the junta’s Kang Taungyan (Gandaoyan) camp nearthe Myitkyina-Bhamo road, which is about 25 kilometers away from the KIAheadquarter in Laiza.


The joint forces attacked the camp at 6 am on 31October and within three hours it was captured. A large volume of weapons andammunition were seized.


The commander of LIB no 387th battalion of thejunta, who was in charge of the camp, was found killed in the battle.


10 battalions, including 33 and 113 belonging tothe AA, joined the Kokang MNDAA forces in the attack, said media reports.


According to reliable sources, since 27 Octoberthe AA members and junta soldiers have been fighting in Hti Chain townshipunder Sagaing division.


Thejunta forces even used the fighter jets to target AA members. The gun fightingstill continues.


On 30 October, the AA  attacked andcaptured a military base of the junta forces at Nati village under Kokangregion.


Till the fifth day of operation, membersbelonging to MNDAA, TNLA and AA have captured more than 80 Burmese militarybases and seized a large volume of weapons.


More than 100 prisoners of war were alsocaptured. Currently, Chin Shwe Hao and Phorm Sai cities of Kokang region on theChina border have been captured and controlled by the rebel groups. The Sinnicity is also under attacks by the brotherhood alliance.

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