Thejunta authority has opened a case under section 505-A against a businessmanfrom Man Aung locality of Rakhine State.
Thebusinessman named U Si Thu Aung (aka Kaung Phyu) was arrested with suspicion ofbeing associated with the PDF.
Hewas charged on 4 October in the township court, said an individual close tohim.
"I went to the court that day. There is no other charge againsthim,” added the individual.
SiThu Aung (50 years old) is scheduled to appear in court again on 19 October.
He lives in Myo Thit ward of the township and the junta forces arrested himfrom his residence on the night of 19 September.
Heis alleged to campaign on social media for disrupting national stability andspreading propaganda against the junta, said the newspapers run by the militarycouncil on 22 September.
Ifproven guilty, he will face imprisonment up to three years along with fine.
Manysocial activists and common citizens, including women, from various Rakhinelocalities including Man Aung were arrested and sentenced to long-term prisonterms in 2022 by the military council for allegedly supporting the PDF.