
Internet remains cut off in Paletwa of Chin State for over 2 years

October 10/ 2023 | View Counts :14291

Eventhough the Paletwa of Chin state continues to be peaceful, the town remains cutoff from the internet services for more than 2 years.


Therestriction of internet services by the military council has put the residentsin difficulties.


Not to speak of internet, the telephone connectivity is also disrupted. Now it’sdifficult to communicate. Some are using internet with IP Star but not telephone,” said aresident, adding that the situation returns to normalcy and they want theservices back in order.


Startingfrom 23 September 2021, the military council has restricted the internetservices in many townships in Rakhine and Chin state, including Paletwa.


"Asthe internet is not working, various sectors like health, education and business get affected.The authorities should consider it urgently,” he added.


In2019, when the junta forces fought against the Arakan Army the internet wasrestricted in Paletwa for the first time.


Themilitary council reopened the internet again after it. Even after the militarycoup on 1 February 2021, the services resumed after a few days.


Butsoon after the junta soldiers and Chin People's Defense Force members gotengaged in gun fighting following which the services were restricted.


Dueto the restrictions, the money transfer services have been closed and theconsumers have to depend on conventional banks, said a businessman from KyaukTaw area.


"Ican't use the internet to transfer money. Even I can't send money with K-pay and hence I haveto depend on banks. Thuswe are facing difficulties,” he added.


Thedisruption of internet services for a longer period hasbeen criticized by the conscious citizens. Many believe that itis a practice of the military council to harass the people.

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