
Commemorating Uttama Day 840 saplings planted in Ann

September 09/ 2023 | View Counts :12210

840 saplings are planted in Ann township of Rakhine State to commemorate the reverend Uttama Daytoday.

Ko Myo Lwin, a leading grower, said that these were plantedin the man grove forest of U Uttamasanctuary."Planting is done on the other days as well. Today wehave planted to commemorateU  Ottama Day, he added.

The protected forest reserve covers around 200 acres in southern part of Ann. The mangrove forest wasdesignated in 2021 during the celebrationof  82nd anniversary of Uttama monk.

Myo Lwin  also added that crabs and birds will also be released in the mangrove forest to celebrate theoccasion.

"Mostly Kouko (Rain tree) saplings and other valuable plantswere planted in the protectedforest. Planting in  coastal areas is also on the card,” he said.

On 8 September, the local residents planted  more than 500 saplings (84 trees of 6 species) in Kyauk Myaungvillage-tract and  Pyint Chaungmountain of the township.

The plantation program was organized in Ann township in 2022 too to celebrate the 83rd anniversaryof  U Uttama.

When Myanmar was under the British rule, Bishop U Uttama was a monk and he inspired the Burmese people toraise voices for independence. Themonk passed away in Yangon on 9 September 1939 and since then it has been designated as U  OttamaDay.

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