
Pakistan fails to find solution to Myanmar’s military junta JF-17 nightmare

August 30/ 2023 | View Counts :21307

In what could be good news for the resistance movement and Myanmar’s NationalUnity Government (NUG), there appears to be shimmering tensions betweenIslamabad and Naypyitaw over the supply of a set of newly acquired JF-17sfighter planes.


Military junta leader Min Aung Hlaing is said to haveexpressed his displeasure to none other than Pakistan’s Prime Minister ShehbazSharif and military chief, General Asim Munir as the aircrafts - JF-17 Thunder,a multi-role combat aircraft – which Pakistan has supplied to Myanmar between2019 and 2021 have all been declared “unfit for operations.”

The newly acquired JF-17 Thunder, a multi-role combat aircraft from Pakistanhad to be grounded owing to malfunctioning of the planes. The newly deliveredplanes are part of a deal which the Burmese military junta signed in 2016 topurchase JF-17 produced jointly by Pakistan Aeronautical Complex and ChengduAircraft Industries Corporation of China.


But soon after the delivery of the aircrafts the Burmese AirForce were forced to ground the planes as malfunctions and structural flawswere detected. A similar problem resulted with the new acquired fleets in 2022. There are a total of 11 JF-17 fighter jets but none arecurrently operational due to technical glitches.

Now after a couple of futile attempts by Pakistani engineers who made a secretvisit to Myanmar in September 2022 to fix the problems, the military junta isfuming and if what sources say is to be believed, it has sent out “a sternmessage” to Islamabad to answer for the mess.

While at the same time it has been egging Beijing tointervene. A recent visit by the Myanmar’s Chinese envoy to Naypyitaw is saidto have carried a message from the CCP’s top leadership to Gen Min Aung Hlaing.

According to sources, Pakistan is trying hard to renegotiate the deal withnewer versions of the JF-17s. In all likelihood these new variants are will bedeveloped by the same combination of Pakistan Aeronautical Complex and Chengdu Aircraft Industries Corporation of China.

However, so far there is little information on whether the renegotiated dealhas been accepted by the military junta leadership. Informed sources say thatthe military junta is very upset as the
non-utility of the aircrafts has hampered most of its plans of beefing up itsairpower to carry out targeted strikes on Myanmar’s resistance groups which arefighting under the banner of the People’s Defence Force (PDF) an armed wing ofthe NUG.

Following the news of the crisis arising out of the malfunctioning of theJF-17s, Pakistan’s efforts to sell similar aircrafts to other countries,especially Latin American countries has hit a roadblock.

Now with the military junta in Myanmar refusing to get into any new talks onprocuring aircrafts from Pakistan, other countries too have been reluctant toengage with Pakistan.

Besides the experience in Myanmar, the JF-17s has had a poor run in Nigeria aswell. The Nigerian Airforce (NAF) had inducted 15 F-7 NI fighter aircraft in2009. By 2018, six out of the 15 jets had crashed.

The remaining nine were rendered unserviceable. Five of these sent to China forheavy maintenance and upgrades which were received back by NAF in 2022. Howeversoon after on July 2023, a FT-7 NI trainer aircraft supplied by China crashed.

Argentina is amongst the few countries which has refused to buy the JF -17sfrom  China and Pakistan.

JF-17s utility and maintenance costs, and what it means

In fact, Myanmar was the first country to purchase the Pakistan and Chinacombined JF-17 Thunder, aircraft in 2015. These aircrafts which rely on theRussian Klimov RD 93 aeroengine and western avionics and set up on a China-madeairframe has huge operations and maintenance costs as compared to a modernweapon system.

According to international aeronautics experts, even after repairs the JF-17swould be “difficult to use” with proper technical know how at an operationslevel. This would mean that the Myanmar Air Force requires the expertise to beable to attend to the technical issues as and when it arises. The militaryjunta has made plans to send its technicians to Islamabad to train on upgradesand maintenance, but that effort is on hold.

Experts also point to some crucial features of the JF-17s which they say is theChina-made KLJ-7 Al radar. A vital component which is the beyond-visual-range(BVR) missile or airborne interception radar is also missing. According to onesuch expert this impacts the accuracy levels and as a result is not effective.Besides this “there are several other problems” even the body of the aircraftwhich is not made to withstand gravitational force and strong winds.

The Myanmar junta has been largely dependent on the strength of its aerialpower with air strikes by the Myanmar Air Force on ethnic armed revolutionaryorganizations and civilians. It has been in talks with China and Pakistan tohelp it to build its air-to-surface missile capabilities using the JF-17s. Butthat process has not been easy for the military junta even after spendingbillions of dollars.

What needs to be highlighted is that China itself has not included a singleJF-17s in its inventory till date.

Note: From a writer innortheast India


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