
Hong Kong company owned natural gas plants in Kyauk Phyu suspended operations

July 20/ 2023 | View Counts :6406

All three natural gas power plants built by Hong Kong-based V-power company in Kyauk Phyu township ofRakhine State have been suspended dueto lack of raw materials.

V-power 1 and V-power 2 power plants, which were made operational since 2019, had been stopped in October2022 and the machines were alsotaken away.

The last operating unit V-power 3 was also shut down, said U Pho San, a former provincial representative fromKyauk Phyu township. Speakingto  Narinjara News, he added that the supply of natural gas was stopped, the operation of V-power 3 was suspended in December  2022.

"The V-power 3 was operational till November 2022. By December we saw there was no sufficient gas supply.Later it was stopped,” he stated.

The V-power 3  can produce 150 mega watt where the  natural gas is used as raw materials, supplied fromthe Shwe Natural Gas field with the arrangement of Myanmar military government.

Due to the shutdown of power plants, the country's electricity supply has been affected.

As the regular electricity supply has been uncertain, small industries are facing difficulties in Kyauk Phyuand other localities. The  ice industries,fisheries that work with the electricity are facing major

"We don't have full supply of electricity now. It has affected various development activities. Many smallindustries have stopped their work. Notimetable is declared when the electricity will go out of order,” he asserted.

There are four  natural gas power plants in Kyauk Phyu township with foreign investments, where three plantsare owned by  Hong Kong V-powercompany and one owned  by Chinese government run the resources and local company supreme group.

Currently,  one power plant is working and the generated  electricity has been supplied to the power grid.

The factories of these companies  were built in 2019 near the historic Kangkotaw Pagoda of  the KyaukPhyu township.

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