
Nippon Foundation provides 60,000 rice bags to 7 ceasefire ethnic armed groups

July 08/ 2023 | View Counts :2277

Nippon Foundation, led by Mr Sasakawa, the special representative ofJapan government for Myanmar NationalReconciliation, provided morethan60,000 bags of rice to the ceasefire ethnic armed groups inMyanmar, said a statement issued by theNCA signatory Ethnic ArmedResistanceOrganizations (NCA-S EAO) on 5 July.

The foundation donated 64,000 rice bags for  distributing in territories of seven ethnic armedgroups which signed the Nationwide CeasefireAgreement (NCA) effecting between 2022 and 2023.
Chairman Sasakawa informed that his foundation normally supports  new town projects, schools & hospitalsfor ethnic people. Moreover, they haveoffered humanitarian aid to the concerned areas during 2022-2023.

The concerned areas include the localities under the Arakan Liberation Party (ALP), Karen National LiberationArmy Peace Council (KNU/KNLA-PC),Lahu Democratic Union (LDU), Democratic Karen Army (DKBA), Pao National Liberation League (PNLO) along withthe territories under  NewMon State Party (NMSP) and  Restoration Council of Shan State (RCSS).

Khaing Thurin, secretary of the ALP group led by Daw Saw MyaRaza Lin, told NarinjaraNews that the rice bags will help people displaced by the war.


“Now, we are planning to continue distribution for2023-2024,” he added.

But the ALP received only a few bags of rice. Nippon Foundation in 2022 also donated over 50,000 bags ofrice to Rakhine IDPs.

During his visit to Myanmar in November and after meeting with the junta chief major general Min AungHlaing,  Sasakwa announced about thedonation.

Initially, the military council banned the donation program in Rakhine, but lately they have allowed to donate the rice bags among thepeople.

Narinjara News can not confirm whether those 50,000 bags of rice are included in the Nippon Foundation’s60,000 bags of rice.

U Khaing Kung San, director of Wan Lek Regional Development Foundation, appreciated the gesture ofNippon Foundation.

"As the people of Rakhine State are poor, the rice bags will be helpful for them. Many families have nostable income.  So it will be agreat relief to them,” he added.

Sasakawa also the one who intervened and negotiated with the Arakan Army (AA) and the militarycouncil in 2018. Due to his mediation,gunfighting in Rakhine State has been stopped till date.

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