The military councilforces raided and burned down houses in Talaing (Hteehlaing) village in SagaingTownship, Sagaing Region at around 3.30 am on 2 July, according to locals.
“The incident took place in the early morning. The militarycouncil usually conducts offensives in the remote areas at night and in theearly morning. More than 100 houses from our village were burned down by fire.We are still hiding in safer places,” a local said.
The Sagaing Information Team issued a statement about theburning of houses in the village by the military council forces and clasheswith local defense forces.
“First, the military council forces clashed with the villagePeople’s Defense Force (PDF). The strength is unbalanced. Around five membersof village PDF and People’s Security Force were killed in the clash. Then, thehouses were burned down,” a local said.
Two PDF members and three members of People’s Security Forcewere killed in a resistance against the military council forces, according tothe statement.
At around 10 am on 2 July, the military council forcesstarted burning more than 100 houses in the eastern part of the village. Then,they were stationed at a school in Talaing village, locals said.
The military council forces stationed in Talaing villagefired many rounds of heavy shells via Talaing village, assuming that villagersmight be fleeing to the ridge in the east of the strategic road, the displacedvillagers said.
Caption: The houses which wereburned down by the military council forces in Talaing (Hteehlaing) village.(Photo-Sagaing Information Team)