
An interview with U Khaing Thukha, Spokesperson of the AA

June 05/ 2023 | View Counts :11496

“It is a matter for us to decide based on what they said andhow to do it after this meeting. It is too early to say whether it isconstructive or not.” U Khaing Thukha, Spokesperson of the AA

According to the mediation by China on 1 June, delegatesfrom the Myanmar National Truth and Justice Party/ Myanmar National DemocraticAlliance Army (MNTJP/MNDAA), the Palaung State Liberation Front / Ta’angNational Liberation Army (PSLF/TNLA) and the United League of Arakan/ArakanArmy (ULA/AA) are holding a talk with the delegates from National Solidarityand Peacemaking Negotiation Committee (NSPNC) formed by the military council,at Mongla Special Region-4 in the eastern Shan State.


The meeting was also attended by Mr. Guo Bao, Special Envoyof Foreign Affairs Department of Yunnan Province of China. The Narinjara askedU Khaing Thukha, Spokesperson of the AA about the main topics discussed at themeeting and whether this meeting is constructive as Maj-Gen Zaw Min Tun,Spokesperson of the military council said.


Q: The Northern Alliance is holding talks with themilitary council in Mongla from 1 to 3 June. What is the status of the meeting?

A: Yes. Yesterday, there was a meeting between our ThreeBrotherhood Alliance and the military council’s delegation. What we talkedabout at the meeting are: (1) The release of those arrested in connection withthe AA, (2) the removal of the AA from the list of illegal associations and (3)timely and smooth delivery of humanitarian assistance to the people affected byCyclone Mocha in Arakan State. We mainly discussed the above-mentioned matters.


Q:This is what you discussed at the meeting. How did the military councilnegotiate?

A: The topics mainly discussed at yesterday’s meeting are:establishing a multi-party democratic country, building a democratic federalunion and building trust. The military council mainly elaborated on thesefacts.


Q:What kind of effects and what changes can we expect from this meeting?

A: This meeting is mainly sponsored by the People’s Republicof China. Therefore, at this meeting, we listened to what the delegation of themilitary council said. They also listened to what we said. There is nothingspecial.


Q:Maj-Gen Zaw Min Tun, Spokesperson of the military council told the BBC thatthis meeting is constructive. May I know your comment on it?

A: It’s too early to say whether it is constructive or not.It is a matter for us to decide based on what they said and how to do it afterthis meeting.

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