Locals fled the village as they fearedfully-equipped soldiers entered the village in Ponnagyun Township in ArakanState, villagers told the Narinjara.
At around 2 pm on 26 May, more than 10 fully-equipped soldiers entered thevillage along with a service team who came to the village to repair the MPTtower damaged by the cyclone.
“The village has an MPT tower. Staff from the MPT came to the village torepair the tower destroyed by the cyclone and were accompanied by soldiers. Ithink the soldiers take security measures,” a local from Siningyi told theNarinjara.
On 10 November, 2022, the military council soldiers entered Siningyi villageand killed nine villagers including the elderly for no apparent reason.
All villagers fled the village when they saw soldiers. Siningyi village islocated about a few miles to the south of Ponnagyun Township. Soldiers fromLight Infantry Battalion-550 entered the village, burned some houses and killedseven men and two women for no apparent reason, eyewitnesses from the villagetold the Narinjara.